Friday, March 26, 2010

Educational Funding for Filipinos

Aristotle states that: "poverty is the parent of revolutin and crime" and that when there is no middle class, and the poor greatly exceed in number troubles arise and the state soon comes to an end."

Aristotle was really on point when he said that poverty causes revolution. A case in point would be the recent violent rally of the students of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) (see it here The revolt of the students was because of the tuition fee increase which the students wouldn't be able to afford because most students in PUP are the impoverished citizens. The answers of the school admin was because the school needs the money to improve their educational system and facilities. I myself do not condone the violence that the students did (because they could've resolved it in more civil manners) but I think that we should also look at the side of the school admin because they also are very underfunded and without necessary funds it would be hard to continue their teaching.

A solution for this would be Aristotle's point of view that the great equalizer for citizens is a good education and proper distribution of wealth. That is the problem with our country today. The government should budget more of their money to the educational system of our country instead of other luxuries because an investment in education of the people would give back tenfold. Education would give citizens hollistic virtues which in Artistole's point of view is very important in building a progressive and active society. In addition, if everyone is educated in the right way then the citizens would be more learned and civil which would prevent public unrest. Education would also help in the progress of the country because it would help people get jobs easier so they would be more productive instead of becoming dropouts and bums. That is why if the government puts more primary emphasis on alloting funds to the educational system (and IMPROVING the EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM) of the country the citizens would be more productive and progress would be attained because the citizens would be more active in serving the state. As a conclusion, students, teachers, and the whole community in general would benefit if their is an increase in funding for our educational system because more people would be mechanics, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, instead of being killers, thieves, and hooligans.

-Written by Paolo Guerrero 07-1002

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