Monday, March 8, 2010

The Absence of Middle Ground in Philippine Society

"A strong middle class keeps a state in balance and guards against corruption and oppression."

One of the many problems in the Philippines is that social classes are highly contrasted. It is no longer defined by merely the high-middle-low classes in this country but society is comprised of several types of people that come from all walks of life. There are the extreme rich and the extreme poor and the difference between the two is immensely obvious and very much evident. The middle class of the Philippines no longer prefers to dwell in their homeland and would much rather move to greener pastures where pay is higher. The absence of the country's middle class is also the absence of a middle ground for society. This brings about the situation that the Philippines is now facing, where the rich take advantage of their position, thereby becoming even wealthier, while the poor are milked for what they are worth and are pushed even further down the social ladder. There is no check and balance with the apparent absence of the middle class.

-Ashley Skead

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